Wednesday, December 12, 2012

North Face Down Jackets Liu Yao and Joe Gansu old acquaintance and spoke naturally with impunity

Does have a whole body murderous people feel uncomfortable young man, the course is Xuchu.
Xuchu nor comfortable are drinking in the car, yet to swallow, he was to open the door, come mouth called his sister choking scared Xuchu a wine from the nose to take out, and he kept coughing, but Xu Chu is fairly clever immediately know who the coughing and after the point of the side of the handle refers.
Liu Yao to knowing, quickly walk backward.
Taishi Ci where foreseen laughing stooped.
Be Liu Yao seen Liu Xuan, Taishi Ci will lead into the city.
Heavy snow closed the city at the moment is, Taishi Ci also when you see the the Luoyang distinctive.
Luoyang City is actually a new Han emperor Guangwu still in the Mangshan and Luoshui, lying north to south between the low but higher than the the Eastern Han previous Luoyang scale expanded Guri long from north to south and six miles wide from east , shape into a rectangle structure, it is also known as the Luoyang city, a total of four large street north-south vertical-travel and cross things go, both sides of the planting of willow and acacia trees, the middle of the street and street living long and 500 meters.
At the moment, Guan Ning and Joe Gansu down from the carriage, Ride a horse and line.
Liu Yao and Joe Gansu old acquaintance and spoke naturally with impunity, the special status of Guan Ning, Liu Yao also not neglect repeatedly accosted But Guan Ning MIND vows inertia, like Liu Yao characters just out of courtesy appropriately cope with it.
Just a few people elated but it came in front of a burst of noise.
Everyone stunned, looked up, surprised to find a massive team is open to everyone. Turned Guards! Taishi Ci bit does not want to understand, in the capital in the end who can be so arrogant? General He Jin? Still ten regular attendants First let?
Marching two hundred armor the distinctive Rengaomada Guards, in the cold north wind, the flag flying, very solemn, if not see the customary scenes of people, just look at that fear is we have to battle heart gall bladder cold.
More than two hundred of the Guards move ushered in, then left to wear the right plug, orderly change of a different battle, with the fluttering banner, both the power and prestige and good-looking.
Liu Yao looked for a moment, The frown and whispered: Everyone nodded.
Taishi Ci do not quite want to provoke this man, after all this on the Army Captain Jian Shuo is the first of the eight schools in West Park, hand heavily, is not a good deal, seeing ten often when necessary and how into contention to the bitter end, he is still much less regarding the beneficiary of good after all,North Face Down Jackets, Luoyang too far away from the Qingzhou here speak little hard gas, you want to come up with something for, or waiting in forbidden to talk about it.
But look Jian Shuo This frame seems to come from their own. Because who would not go to good to let his troops back and forth to transform the lineup, the immediate posture clearly meet who think about their own tasks, Taishi Tsz on the other is almost certainly directed at themselves.
Sure enough, that Jian Shuo stopped in front of a few people to salute without looking indifferent attitude of Liu Yao, Liu Yao contempt and turn a blind eye to the eyes flashed anger expression,denali pink ribbon jacket.
Just see Taishi Ci

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