Tuesday, December 25, 2012

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2 brigade, first division, and their dependents artillery troops, launched in the early morning attack on the positions of the Japanese Matsuyama Triangle combat fighting 4 hours and 30 minutes after the military occupation of the Japanese all the positions. Battle,nike air max nike, killed by the Japanese 8015 and 7753 captured by the Japanese. Currently, our military is cutting-edge build positions, and follow the campaign plan envisions Jinzhou East, South focus on strengthening the pressure on the Japanese. Northwest Column aspects, has laid strong positions along the Daling built trapezoidal blocking, Shuangyang shop northwest positions. the Yixian aspects, Wang Shizhen reorganized division began to take over the Northern four divisions defense. Tianjin
Commander-in-Chief of the task account?
more importantly, the number of troops. joint operations on land and sea, naval gunfire support timeliness, accuracy, you must be a high priority to go, I will take good care of Qin Guan years after opening, it is ready to send him to the Sichuan reading. I Stepfather Well! Dragon Sword Ming naturally to know Feng Yuxiang able to export and not export at this time, give the war will be a state of mind had no worries the most important.
never seen the Commander-in-Chief of revealing such a relaxed expression, hopefully, this expression can often see precisely this expression appear to represent the future of China's rising road widening! In this regard, Feng Yuxiang doubt.
Pleasant reverie was interrupted the dragon sword Ming smile, and then found the telegraph an obvious question: captured by the Japanese 7753! There a mistake? The Japanese that temper, is willing to obediently captives? Dragon Sword Ming impression, World War II on Saipan She Shenya! kamikaze Japanese naval air! Kwantung Army in the Sino-Soviet border the Daredevil anti assault army, actually in the battle damage data the number of killed and captured almost!
Reason only: the Japanese Army 1904-1905 sacrificed elite, a large number of the reserve army instead of a full training, combat power strong backbone forces; northern China's Army this show the shock, shocked the world of combat power! As for whether the data problem, that is not pondering over the the dragon sword Ming go things to be considered
In short, dragon sword Ming in this data see: there have been signs of failure of the Japanese Army!, And then figuring the Golden State landing cut Luda Contact the Fifth Division of the Kwantung Army headquarters; combat against the Japanese in Taiwan; Yalu River landing combat the formation of the Japanese in the trend

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