Tuesday, December 4, 2012

North Face Down Jackets the entire tornado as if an arrow-like

w it is, how do I look can jump so high! Joke is not it?
Are confused between the sound of Yinlang explained my doubts, proud Yinlang the sound rang in my mind: mobile power, jumping ability, and attack speed should be the extent of the following bit of Dajian to measure, ha ha ,North Face Down Jackets... cow!
Stunned at the following has become the ants big villain, I can not continue going up and shoved turned out, to red towards the bottom of the past ...
Severe wind ring around my, but the strange thing is, I can only feel the people comfortable to the prestige of the pole, but feel less than the previous kind of scraped surface stinging feeling.
At the same time, as I dive, huge amounts of energy to me as the center, I stretch Cthulhu cut focus quickly gather up a time ... I figure undershoot around, quickly cast a shadow over a layer winds of a tornado, the entire tornado as if an arrow-like, toward the outrageous two on the ground attack in the past.
Walls, war and 10 elders, as well as ten wolves at the same time excited and stood up in unison and roared: White elders trembling, eyes moist: Excited in all the werewolf can not control yourself, the sky, as if a meteor-like, flagrantly bombardment of the very disease picked up from a stick on the violent roar, the winds with the cyclone oppressive turn up.
Quite the strength of high, greatly out the call I expected, the full knife in my peak condition, he even brow not wrinkled took down, face happy extreme look, it seems ...... for such a violent attack, he is very enjoy!

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