Thursday, August 16, 2012

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nfl silly suddenly shocked at the door, motionless, Zhang Feng and nfl clothing to scare away the people can not imagine how can be just this such a fascinating and charming woman elegant and tidy room inside, nfl clearly feel the whole room exudes a while The array is pressing through the heart of cold, chills people, it is the cold depths of his heart.
nfl do not know how to begin, do not know whether she is to save his own silence in the air was filled with a strange atmosphere. a long time, he decided to first find a safe place to heal, leaving the huts of the mysterious silence of the future road still crisis-ridden, there is no time to attend just this mysterious woman, he has many problems to be good thinking, there is no strength can not be a foothold in the lakes.
nfl did not dare to break such a death-like quiet, but slowly turned and walked toward the outside, ready to gently shut the door to leave,oakley sunglasses cheap, he walked gently, without a trace of clouds as he gently to the ear suddenly came cold and clear voice: nfl again stunned, fleeing rivers and lakes is the first time someone asked him in the rankings on the Heibang, he quickly shook his head to smile: He surprised and bewildered stare woman's graceful back, intuitively decided that she certainly is the master the arena Heibang on, and it must be very powerful master, and why she is a stay in this lonely place? Nfl hearts thrown numerous questions about heart jump, suddenly thought of a person, help clenched fists.
Woman got up and slowly stood up, graceful shape and beautiful, graceful, exude Ruoyouruowu cold fragrance, as if an angel from hell, nfl suddenly felt this back a bit familiar, it seems that where seen,cheap oakley sunglasses, but can not in retrospect, a mysterious woman finally turned, his face shrouded in a layer of smoke veil, cold stare mouth residual blood, his head recklessly the nfl.
nfl never seen such beautiful eyes, such as the Autumn Mongolia smoke, bright stars, like ice, like crystal, but revealing the scary eyes, people can not stare, covered exudes a mature and let frightened attractive beautiful grace.
nfl does not seem to see the soul-stirring front woman of grace, suddenly put away the smile instantly eyes like a knife, not afraid of the same cold stare at the mysterious woman, and seems to see through the eyes of her beautiful ice.
Two cold eyes staring a long time, a mysterious woman who suddenly burst out strong murderous entity like Senleng, nfl almost can not help in this murderous forced back a pace, the body of the blood begins to boil again, his mouth constantly outflow of blood extreme cold the air around seems to have frozen solidified.
nfl chic hand to wipe his mouth with blood, his face suddenly exposed to a random wild smile, a touch of joy: , at a later date to repay the girl's saving grace. the nfl ranging from a mysterious woman replies, the vision did not fall opposite the ups and downs embossed perfect curve, after the finish turned

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