Friday, June 22, 2012

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The side. Would like to thank my the signing editor leaves, it can be said in a short message of that time she me into the infinite power.
Later editor Duncan greatly appreciated on the Sanjiang recommended that period, Fang Song with baked readers to the consternation of very fried squid this author posture, trembling in fear careful reply, explained that only gradually subsided this storm.
I have considered whether he should be wrong, but I just thought, three sisters, brothers and a certain background, can not be so extraordinary sight of the protagonist, and Xiao Ran the set of character, and really do not For the protagonist, then adhere to does not change.
Down the list from the book, several kinds of recommendation,oakley sunglasses for cheap, I would like to thank the Zebian melon, and editor of nonsense greatly to give the brother the opportunity to arrange the effects are far from satisfactory ... I expected, this style is not enough to attract the public eye, can only be provided to the small minority who see.
I am kind of one of the small minority, so continue to dedicate a book to the lovers are adhering to.
Writes IV, bottlenecks, is a small static and protagonist relationship revealed there. I think that goes on like this, high school papers will be endless, consider for a long time to skip a year, brought the Susu, at the same time Winter care of the household, so that the original had laid an ambush in college - the formatting advance.
A lot of people would like to ask, Why is turned, I am probably in the book review area have already said, very simple, because I like the initial formatting in my mind of course,oakley polarized sunglasses, only an Empress Dowager, as a man as nothing noble woman, I think, such a figure how fancy the protagonist? how to arrange the plot is a problem, but her set any connection Shenjia four bit coincidence?
Then a flash, turned the idea jumped out, I can not wait to try to write the results of language fluency hard to believe, breath and wrote a 30,000 word out, that is, one 38 to 48 of this I am quite satisfied with , so decided to adopt the release, set off a storm, no less than the original Song MM rationing side but looked favorites to land the proportion of book reviews, I found that the vast majority of readers still accepted, will be assured continued to write go on.
After princess has become a matter of course a very important role in this story, the impression is there is absolutely profound what book with turned women when care of the household, is not the first perspective? At least in my cognitive range of about ...... incarnations I have not set a precedent, but so to arrange a care of the household of origin should be regarded as pioneering the?
I left in the book review area had three wives, four concubines spoilers to speak, where the depth to reveal the formatting is a wife, and the so-called three wives and four concubines, but the expression and protagonist of the number of relations and proximity woman, not really to the kind.
Book into the VI, has been to high school chapter of the ending, the protagonist even when the father, the process should speed it up, oh? Subsequent chapters, the book still taste the same, prioritized, but the supporting roles also have ten the color of the place assigned to them with the female, no less, the principle of everyone, try to eliminate this in the book world has more bachelor

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